For the last three of these categories an offence is only committed if the disclosure is damaging . mr tong suggests that information in the public domain should cease to be protected 由于有关建议旨在保留《官方机密条例》 ,而该条例没有使用"国家机密"一词,因此第一项指称并不成立。
Information disclosed under this agreement shall not be deemed to be within the foregoing exceptions merely because such information is embraced by more general information in the public domain or in the receiving party ' s possession 若根据本协议规定而予以披露的任何信息属于公众领域中或信息接收方所持有的更大范围的信息的,则不得仅以此一项理由而将该等信息认定为属于上述各项保密信息的例外情形。